Show #1: The Value of Human Connection

This show aired on May 25, 2013. It was our first in-studio show, and we were thrilled to have as our guest author and illustrator Michele Hofbauer, veteran teacher and author of Couldn't We Make a Difference?

We spoke about how, in this increasingly virtual world, we need (more than ever) to find ways to connect in person - and to value that face-to-face energy.

Randye Kaye

Randye Kaye is a world-renowned female voice talent for business and beyond. She is the author of two books; Happier Made Simple™ and Ben Behind His Voices. As an actress she has appeared in numerous theatrical, film and television performances. Randye is a keynote speaker on the topics of mental health, communication, and happiness.


Show #2: Mental Illness, A Family Affair


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